Online English training course

HR calls in English

HR Recruitment in English

  • 4 training sessions
  • 4 e-learning modules

This short online course focuses on the part within Human Resource that deals with recruitment. Not only the writing of job ads, but also the writing of rejection and invitation emails is covered. Then you will learn what questions to ask the candidate during a job interview. Also, the short online training contains sections on grammar, vocabulary and useful phrases appropriate to the particular section.

In the training you will use various e-learning modules Recruitment and there is room for your own input so you can discuss your own real-life examples.

Topics during training and e-learning modules:

  • Recruitment (8 steps of Recruitment)
  • Writing Job Advertisements (Checklist, Do's and Dont's)
  • Rejection and Invitation emails.
  • Job Interviews (Questions to ask)


This short online course is designed for HR professionals who regularly deal with Recruitment.

A knowledge of the language at European level B1 is required to participate successfully in this course.