Tight labor market

Oh, that tight labor market ... this is how to keep your staff longer!

Lexicon business language training

It is not easy in this day and age to keep up your workforce. It is already not easy to fill the places left by those who leave, and then the stayers are often pulled by other employers as well. So employers will have to offer more to keep everyone on board.

Grab the grant

Therefore, invest smartly now in the language skills of employees through the "Count along with Language" subsidy scheme. The cost of Dutch language training is low because a large part (67%) is reimbursed. Consider, for example, a training course "Dutch on the shop floor" or "Dutch on the production floor.

Language training pays off

Investing in basic workplace skills (such as language) has many benefits anyway, not only for employers but certainly for the non-native staff and their managers. Organizations that have invested in workplace language training notice that their employees.

  • communicate more efficiently and effectively;
  • experiencing less stress and making mistakes;
  • feel more involved in the organization;
  • more understanding of each other;
  • experience fewer misunderstandings among themselves;
  • better utilize their potential;
  • report sick less often;
  • much less likely to change employers.

So that's quite a lot! This subsidy scheme is therefore an excellent opportunity to invest in foreign language staff right now. From January 1 to February 28, 2023, it is again possible to apply for this language subsidy. But it is wise to start the process now, so that you can submit your subsidy application on time.

Do it together with Lexicon

Lexicon Trainings has been a Language Partner of the Language Agreement since the start of this subsidy and knows better than anyone what this subsidy can mean for your organization. Together, we can verify who within your company is eligible for the scheme and how you are going to organize that. So you can already do the intakes with us. Then in January 2023 you will be completely ready for the subsidy application.

Check out all the extensive language training options Lexicon can offer you. For example, a workplace scan or extensive support during the implementation of the language courses.

Call us at 023 - 5310 830 or fill out the contact form.